Butler County Democrats Announce Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay Contest

Announcement is being made of an essay contest honoring the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for students who reside in Butler County and attend public schools either in or near the county.

The contest has two cash awards, one in each of two categories. Some school districts have middle schools, and some have junior highs, therefore, students in grade 9 may choose to compete in either category, but only in one. Category 1 includes students in grades 7-9 with a $200 cash award. Category 2 includes students in grades 9-12 with a $300 cash award.

The essay should address this question: “What does Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech mean to you and how would you apply your thoughts and feelings to what we can do in Butler County to realize this dream? You should be able to envision a relevant project and outline its implementation, either as a project you can do yourself or one that requires realistic cooperation from others.

The rules for participation include completion of a separate title sheet and the submission of your essay as outlined below to the following email address by January 11, 2021: RiseUpAndBeTheChange@gmail.com

The essays will be judged by three adults from Butler County and the winners will be announced on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 18, 2021. Winning essays will be published in Butler County newspapers in subsequent editions.

  • Category 1: Your essay is to be 300-450 words in length, typed double-spaced, 12 pt. font, with 1.5-inch margins. Your name should appear in the header of each page. The winning prize is $200.
  • Category 2: Your essay is to be 500-750 words in length, typed double-spaced, 12 pt. font, with 1.5-inch margins. Your name should appear in the header of each page. The winning prize is $300.

The project is sponsored by the Butler County Democratic Central Committee. Please address any questions to Barbara at RiseUpAndBeTheChange@gmail.com.

Click here to download a copy of the essay application form.