Key Issues: Reproductive Health Care

The Democratic Party strongly supports a woman’s right to choose and access comprehensive reproductive health care, including safe and legal abortion. They uphold the principles established by the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade and oppose efforts to restrict or undermine reproductive rights. The party believes that reproductive health care is a fundamental right and essential to gender equality and personal autonomy.

Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care

Democrats advocate for comprehensive reproductive health care that includes access to contraception, family planning services, and maternal health care. They support funding for Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide critical reproductive health services, including cancer screenings, STI testing, and prenatal care. The party also emphasizes the importance of sex education that is medically accurate, age-appropriate, and inclusive.

Affordable and Accessible Health Care

The Democratic Party believes that reproductive health care should be affordable and accessible to all, regardless of income or geographic location. They support policies that ensure insurance coverage for reproductive health services, including abortion, and oppose the Hyde Amendment, which restricts federal funding for abortion services except in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk. The party also advocates for expanding Medicaid and other health programs to cover reproductive health services.

Opposition to Discrimination

Democrats oppose any form of discrimination in reproductive health care. They advocate for policies that ensure LGBTQ+ individuals have access to reproductive health services without fear of discrimination or stigma. The party also supports efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in reproductive health outcomes, recognizing that women of color face higher rates of maternal mortality and other health inequities.

Comprehensive Support for Families

In addition to advocating for reproductive rights, the Democratic Party supports policies that help individuals and families thrive. This includes paid family leave, affordable child care, and workplace protections for pregnant and parenting individuals. They believe that supporting families and providing the resources needed for healthy pregnancies and child-rearing are crucial components of reproductive justice.